We completed our Ofsted inspection at the beginning of March 2023.
As an ‘ungraded’ sometimes referred to as a ‘short’ inspection, the inspector was moderating school to ensure we have maintained our ‘Good’ status since the last inspection.
We are very proud to share with you that we have retained our ‘Good’ rating.
Alongside this rating, we would like to share with you some of the ‘outstanding’ points raised by the inspector during the verbal feedback with Senior Leaders and the whole Governing Body.
- The inspector observed no poor behaviour in school at all- none. Pupils behaved in an exemplary manner in all aspects of their time at school.
- Pupils are extremely polite and are a true joy to speak with. They are kind, look after each other and are very respectful in all situations.
- Pupils enjoy coming to school and attend well. Schools’ persistent absenteeism was the lowest ever noted by the inspector.
- Pupils are very proud of their individual roles and responsibilities in school, the supportive ethos enables pupils to thrive with a ‘have a go’ attitude.
- Pupils feel safe, well looked after, and nurtured in school. This was something spoken of at length by pupils and parents alike.
- EYFS is a huge strength of school. Pupils are engaged, happy and make supportive relationships in those first, vitally important years of education.
- Parents spoke positively about school with teaching staff being praised for their approachability and kindness.
- Staff feel valued and supported and are proud to work within our ‘Heatherley Family’ team.
We thank you all form the bottom of our hearts for your continued support to our school. We genuinely love looking after your children and will always continue to do so to the very best of our abilities.
With our very best wishes,
Sarah James
Head teacher