Year 5&6
Mrs Rickard and Miss Lindley's Class
We have taken time to share, recommend and talk about books we love reading; some of us have even found new books that we have never read before to enjoy!
Recommending books to our peers

Our focus for World Book Day this year was the inspirational person, Greta Thunberg. We shared a story about her life and how she has inspired many children around the world to campaign against climate change. From this, we created our own collage art to promote the importance of looking after the planet.

During World Book Day, we spent sometime reading with and to the children in Foundation Stage. We really enjoyed sharing books and creating activities for the children about these stories.
Sharing books with Foundation Stage

Mr Herring's Class
Miss Wilson's Class
In our class, we started the day by mixing with different year groups across school. Our Year 6 children went to Mr Harrison and Miss Dooley's Year 4 children, and they shared books and read to one another.
Our Year 5 children were joined by some Year 3 children. We began by reading 'The Bear and the Piano' by David Litchfield, and we predicted the story ending, creating role plays in small groups and performing them. Then, we shared some book recommendations with each other.
Miss Wilson brought some vintage books in from the 1950's, which we explored together. We considered how books have changed over time, and we discussed which books best represent us.
Later on, we read poetry all about Greta Thunberg and the environment. We then made art, which was based on the poems that we had read. We chose between chalk, water colour, poster paint and sketching.
Finally, we read some poems together from the book, 'Poems Aloud' by Joseph Coelho. In groups, we added actions, changed volume, speaker order and formation to match the poems. We had so much fun!
Poetry Read Aloud