Reading in Nursery
Reading in Nursery
Children in Nursery share a range of stories daily which include non-fiction, fiction and poetry/nursery rhymes. The curriculum is centred around themed books which progress throughout the year. During Little Wandle sessions, Nursery focus on the foundations of phonics such as listening to environmental sounds and increasing their listening and attention skills. By summer term the children will have good knowledge of s, a, t and p graphemes to prepare for Foundation 2. Reading sessions will also begin in the summer term using Phase 1 picture books to develop their vocabulary and comprehension skills.
Reading at home
We encourage the children to read at home, sharing a variety of stories with their adults to increase their love of reading. Children are able to take a sharing at home book home of their choice to share with an adult. During summer term, children will take a Phase 1 reading book home to also share with an adult.