School Ambassadors
We have School Ambassadors with representatives from each class, who are voted in at the beginning of each year by their classmates. The ambassadors meet regularly with Mrs Abbott and Mrs Woodhouse to discuss ways to make our school even better and upcoming events.
Some of our School Ambassadors have also taken on secondary roles:
- KS1 & KS2 Wellbeing Champions
- Chairperson
- Deputy Chairperson
Pupil Voice
Heatherley’s School Ambassadors represent the views, opinions and ideas of all pupils to improve their school. We meet every Wednesday lunchtime to discuss school matters and make decisions.
We aim too:
- Represent all pupils and include as many people as possible
- Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views
- Feed back to pupils about what happened about their views
- Make things happen – or explain why they can’t!
Current projects
Throughout the summer term, our wonderful ambassadors have been gathering their peers' views on our school. We have been finding out what is working well already and what our next steps are to make school even better for our pupils.
Currently, we are working on putting in place a 'friendship bench', which will give our children somewhere to seek friendship if they are feeling lonely at break and lunch times. This bench was designed by one of our Year 3 ambassadors.
We are also proud to have new lunch time clubs run by the children, which the ambassadors have arranged. We now have children offering a football club for Years 1 & 2, a Lego club for Years 3 & 4 and a basketball club for Years 5 & 6.